Microducts are small ducts for the installation of small microduct fiber optic cables.
NJ Plastik-Tech Microduct are manufacture of high quality material specifically made for installation in the existing (new or old, empty or preoccupied)HDPE main or subduct by blowing, jetting or pulling technique. Also can be inserted during the manufacturing of the HDPE duct as required by the customer.
External and Internal Surface
External surface is smooth, single-colored, with no scraps cracks and grooves.
Internal surface is ribbed or smooth with no scraps cracks or grooves. Standard quality of internal surface with additional solid permanently lubricated co-extruded (Silicore) to reduce coefficient friction to minimum. As per customer request, it is possible to coat the inner surface by NJ Plastik-tech Silicore permanent lubricant layer with different color.
Advantage over traditional cabling using Microduct
- A branch can be made simply, any place any time.Low initial costs.
- The network can grow on demand.
- Easy to install microduct routes in occupied ducts.
- Easy to replace old cables through the network.
- Possibility to migrate from copper balanced cable to fiber optic cables.
- With NJ PLastik-Tech microduct having co-extruded permanent lubricant (Silicore), it is easy to install the micro cable inside.